1 Punch Man’s One Punch Workout: The science of Saitama Workout

One Punch Man Workout is one of the more interesting training regimes you will ever be able to find.

Defying the rules of a lot of personal trainers It is a workout that defies the laws of many personal trainers. One Punch Man Workout is an original workout it made a Manga Saitama the character the most powerful man out there.

He is a lonely journey of being a superhero, and is able to defeat foes with one blow.

Here, we’ll review the story of the One Punch Man Workout, what it can be for you, what muscles it targets, the practicality of it and the food regimen you should follow, and how you can use the Saitama Workout can be done everyday!.

Saitama’s Story

A 22-year old unemployed Japanese guy who wants to be a superhero.

But in order to be a superhero, he had to build up his strength. It is only possible through an intense workout.

As he was returning from his post-interview, this man encountered Crablante, a Mysterious being who changed into a humanoid creature after eating more crabs and going through metamorphosis.

Crablante would have been about devour somebody, and Saitama swoops in to save him. After a fight Saitama opens the eye of Crablante using his tie and is able to defeat the crabman. The victory inspires Saitama the dream and become superhero.

This was when the Saitama Workout was invented.follow the link https://artdaily.com/news/147093/The-One-Punch-Man-Workout#.Yz6MI3ZByUl At our site

But Saitama has a dark side.

Despite being the most powerful man Saitama did not feel happy. He was so strong it was possible to defeat an opponent with one punch. He had no opponent to the guy, which made him unfulfilled and his life somewhat unfulfilling.

How did Saitama become a strong man?

Saitama followed a program of exercise that lasted three years. He eventually became the strongest man on earth.

The workout was done every for a full day. After one and a half years, he got so strong that it was difficult to keep his hair. However, that was not enough to hinder him from. He realized that he was becoming super-hero.

What exactly is exactly the Saitama Workout?

One Punch Man Workout

100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups

100 Squats

10 Km run.

Every single day!

It’s not necessary to start doing that on the first day. In the next article, we’ll help you complete a 100 reps.

How can One Punch Man Workout make you strong?

If you’re hoping that you could take down anyone in one blow and not even needing the exercise routine.

Comically that not being the aspect, this Saitama Workout is slightly radical as compared with other workouts. For instance, it doesn’t come with rest days, but it is a significant number of reps, as well as the exact routine is repeated every day.

Specificity, overload in the exercise science can support the working the same muscle day in and day out. Research has proven that working compound workouts are more effective if used more frequently.

In addition, mitochondrial activity and mitochondrial capacity increase faster when you do more training.

Never ever use the air conditioner in hot summer months, or for heat in the winter. That way, you can strengthen the mind – Saitama

Training for exercise is an adaptive method, and by regular training, the body engages in chronic adaptation. It requires lots of effort and sacrifice.

Athletics with an extremely agile physique perform intense workouts such as this and work larger muscle groups daily. They include boxers MMA fighters masters of calisthenics.

100 reps and a 10km run isn’t the most difficult workout. However, it will require a significant amount of work for the beginner.

No matter what your fitness goal is follow the Saitama Workout workout can take your fitness levels to new levels.

What’s one Punch Man Workout help you?

If you’re seeking fitness, endurance and healthy body mass, the Saitama Workout will be fun as well as motivating and extremely rewarding.

Each compound exercise, it covers every major muscle of the upper, lower body, and core.

As you can see on the image the three bodyweight exercises encompass all the principal muscles involved.

In the Push Up section, you should use shoulders, traps, delts, and upper abs

Sit-Ups: Abs, obliques, lower back

Squats: Quads, hamstring calves, hips knees, back

Running 10km can significantly increase your endurance levels by increasing VO2 (maximum level of oxygen consumption) and mitochondrial oxidative capacity.


Here are a few more advantages associated with One Punch Man Workout and why you should try it.

Cardiovascular health: Running can help strengthen your heart muscles. When you exercise your heart pumps blood faster into your lungs as well as throughout the body. The flow of blood increases to your muscles and oxygen levels rise in your blood.

Endurance training: A consistent workout will build endurance. Like running can do to your heart, exercise will help you build stronger muscles. Studies show that those who perform more reps respond faster to training when is about endurance training.

An easy-to-follow workout: Apart from the physiological and physical benefits the exercise is easy to follow. A daily workout plan. It makes it easier for trainers to train when he knows what he should do and are expecting from the workout.

Bodyweight exercises are highly sought-after due their compound advantages and flexibility to perform them wherever. It doesn’t matter where you are, you don’t have an excuse to do it every day.

An enjoyable and motivating workout can be extremely enjoyable in the sense that you’re aware of the challenge and continue to work hard every day. After you have completed your workout every day, it gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. You’ll also be proud to tell your friends about what you’re doing, even though they may ridicule you as crazy.

The workout isn’t exactly atypical but it is a issue with overtraining, muscle discomfort and injury.

Injury and Overtraining

Compound exercise as described in One Punch Man Workout are typical daily exercises that ancestors used to do almost every single day.

Therefore, if you do the exercise regularly over time the body’s body will change like it did for our predecessors.

In fact, if you train the same muscle daily can result in sore muscles, because the workouts you are doing aren’t always natural and could not be beneficial on the majority of people.

The exercises are complex and used in everyday activities. In the process of putting more strain on your body, it won’t cause soreness, fatigue or injuries.

Start slow and not overload yourself.

A 100-Rep Guide

Getting to 100 in one effort is not recommended on the first or the first few days. In the meantime, you can work yourself towards 100 repetitions.

There are two ways you can accomplish this:

  • Break it into sets
  • Minutes for resting at set

First Week

20 Reps x 5 sets to complete each workout.

Rest for 2-3 minutes in between.

Three times per week

Second Week

25 reps each set of 4 sets

1 to 2 minutes of recovery

Four times per week

For the remainder of the week Check your performance and improve accordingly: limit the time between sets and rests.

The goal is to get to 100 reps within one set and it may come as slowly as it could take.

According Saitama’s suggestion, the most important thing is to practice it consistently! However, you might delay getting there.

How can I reach 10Km?

Running is an integral part of the Saitama Workout. The average person does not run for 10 miles.

You can, if you go slow. Saitama stated that it’s painful, but the rewards will be unbeatable.

First Week

Start with 3-5 km

Three times per week

Second Week

5-7 km

Four times a week

In the remaining weeks, gradually increase both the distance and speed.

When you realize that you’ve plateaued and are experiencing a slowdown of 3-4 times per week, then you should try the program every day. It could take a few months.


10 percent increase in distance every week.

Run at 60 to 70% of your sprint speed.

You should slow down if you’re feeling tired.

Saitama’s Diet

Saitama talks about diet in one sentence.

Eat three meals each day and ensure you don’t skip breakfast (a banana breakfast in the morning is fine).

There’s plenty of wisdom in that line. Eat whatever you want, breakfast is crucial and bananas are an excellent booster.

It is recommended that you have a minimum intake of .8g per pound weight. Before exercising, take some carbohydrates and vegetables to ensure the right diet.


One Punch Man inspires many of its fans to become superheroes.

However, looking up on the internet, there are no people who seem to have tried the the exercise regularly and we’ve not observed a real-life instance.

The workout is straightforward achievable, simple, and to be not the most challenging one. There are many athletes and mixed martial artists who go through an extensive training program.

Science and other similar workouts talk about its advantages. The Saitama Workout is a reality and anyone who is interested should take the time to test it out.

Let us know what think about this workout. One Punch Man Workout.